Sunday, October 2, 2022

If single, if one is a single adult, can watching adult consensual 'porn' extend your life? before you judge.


First off, read all of this post before you judge.

I've heard, we all have, how people who are lonely live shorter lives, die sooner than those who are or feel loved and or who are in loving such, if one is single, is watching consensual adult films, bad or good for your health?

1. Fact, not every single adult male or female is paired, or has a wife/husband and or partner

So what are such types suppose to do?

Let's face it, not everyone is attractive enough to attract either the opposite gender to them, or even the same gender to them, depending on orientation, so what are single adults supposed to do for affection?

I don't give a F what Pasters say, or Conservatives say, everyone needs to feel loved, needed and valued, and sorry, but the church doesn't always provide that for people.

Going to church as a single person can be one of the most lonliest things you'll ever do. You sit alone around families, or groups of people who know each other, which makes you feel even more lonely.

All that aside, everyone needs to feel like they're love and or in a relationship for health reasons, not just physical reasons, but for health reasons and longevity.

So, let me ask you this, if single, and starving for affection that no other human being will give you, and if watching adult consensual 'P' makes you feel, or fools body into thinking you're getting that affection you lack, is that a bad or good thing?

If it's bad, why?

And if you think it's bad, are you willing to pair every single, single person up with a mate? If not, than what's your solution? Should single people whom cannot attract another, just die early do to lack of affection to satisfy your own sense of morality?

Yes, no?

Please do respond.

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