Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Sissies are not transgendered souls

 Sissies are not transgendered souls, rather sissies tend to stretch their own natural birth gender, or being male, to include the range of being or feeling beautiful, silly, cute and graceful. (not to be confused with those in the adult market).

The dizzy sissy, for one, just likes having fun and relaxing, when in such a mood.

This idea that one has to and can only be a female in order to feel cute, smile, be happy, is a myth straight out of the pit of societal hell. And this myth has damaged a lot of would be cute males who would of rather explored their softer sides rather than be led down the ultra macho side of machoism, violence, gangs and more.

And for the life of me, I don't get why anyone would be troubled at the fact that there are guys who prefer looking cute, and allowing their more submissive side to come out, whether in art or in real life. Why that makes some people upset is beyond me.

The Dizzy sissy is happy being who they are, they're happy being a male, but actually they have a genderless demeanor most of the time.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

 This is one of my favorite skits by the dizzy sissy, which is a 'character', they're not real, per say, but rather a character within many that gets suppressed most of the time.

I mean who doesn't want to just be dizzy at times? To dizzy to know you're not liked, and to dizzy to even care, but instead lost within one's own world of imagination. 

Watching this video makes me relax, and learn that it's OK to laugh, and to stretch self to the furthest bounds of imagination (Well, as much as one can do using cheap film equipment) It's why I envy those who go to actual film school and then have access to a million-dollar budget, special effects technology, a studio and more. It's called theater, and for too long dizzy sissy types have been excluded from that theater.

Anyways, after getting in from a long day's work, I saw this video and it just helped me to loosen up a bit.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Are more and more men considering dating transgender types?

 Are more males considering dating transgender types? read and find out more here. 

I mean there's a lot of lonely people in this world, and bottom line is I think most just want to be and feel loved by another, and not sure what gender has to do with that.

Love is love, or is that not true?

You decide.

I mean are more and more men, who constantly get rejected women, now considering transgender types, who always seem more appreciative of affection?

And mind you, not all affection has to be rated X type of affection. Most people just want to feel love, liked, and appreciated.

 Made in the U.S.A, yep, that's me. I love the freedoms that come with being born a U.S. citizen, but sadly, I do observe many who are f...