Thursday, September 5, 2024

Why does google so have to over complicate everything??

How come everything google buys, touches, becomes so complicated?

Blogger, before google, was so simple to use...just write, share and post.

Now, cookies policies?? Huh? I don't use cookies, I don't own blogger so how do I know what types of cookies are on it??

Again, what used to be such a simple blogging site, here comes google, they buy, the complicate, and by doing so discourage just average none business types like myself from even wanting to blog.

Just to add pics, like I've done forever on here, now need license to prove it's yours....huh?

How is me not me?

Anyways, sorry for the babbling post, just got a bit frustrated. All I wanted to do was post an update, and here comes google over complicated stuff.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Made in the U.S.A.

 Made in the U.S.A, yep, that's me.

I love the freedoms that come with being born a U.S. citizen, but sadly, I do observe many who are flooding here now are abusing that freedom, and even denying others theirs.

In the past, decades ago, you had to like take a test, and justify why you wanted to come into America, where as now days, any ole Tom/Hank and Jill can just cross the border and claim asylum for whatever reason.

News flash, if fleeing America for safety, hello, American cities are some of the most unsafe places on the planet!

Also, many illegal immigrants that are entering the U.S. are anti- black and anti-LGBTQ, yep, they come from nations where both are frowned upon, abused and or worse.

Most immigrants who cross the border bring with them throw back behavior and attitudes towards others, basically brown skinned Klansmen from the 1950's and 60's, and so for the life of me I don't understand how any thinking gay/lesbian/trans/ect person could vote for Biden, or any Democrat who supports open borders.

Open boarders are bringing in crime, violence, the cartel, all of whom could give a dern about your civil rights or right to exist in peace.

Anyways, let me stop, cause now days this blog post will get like zero views do to these new algorithms that just bury and hide personal blogs.

I so miss the old days of the internet, where your work, blogs, were open to the random searches of billions of people; sadly though, those days are gone forever.

Be well, and remember, it isn't a crime to want to look pretty, regardless of your gender.

 Why do some males get upset, or mad, when other males want to look beautiful?

Beauty is not a gender specific trait. 

Sometimes I think the worst threat to this world, the worst threat to peace, are insecure so called heterosexual men who go out of their way to prove to themselves that their sexuality is very flat and absolute. 

Me wanting to look beautiful to self shouldn't be a threat to no one, nor should it be deemed as evil or bad.

There's nothing evil or bad about wanting to look beautiful to self, and or even to others....OK

Saturday, July 8, 2023

What started as a parody


What started as a spoof or satire or parody, just kind of begin gaining momentum on its own, I suppose, as in the dizzy sissy.

I actually have an account, on a 'racist' site, where many are so uptight, and full of racial animosity, that they fail to see the satirical angle of the dizzy sissy, and I suppose that's my way of taunting them, but not just them, all of society.

I just think there's a class of males, that are of color, a genre of males, that no one sees. Most males of color depicted as brutes, ect, and or inner-city types, ect. But there's a class of males of color that exists outside of most people's stereotypes, and that would be dizzy sissy types....generic males of color who are just cute, cuddly and goofy; a role most don't want to see males of color in.

Instead, society has trained us that the only people who are cute, cuddly and harmless, are, well, whites, or lighter skinned types.

Even I often buy into that stereotype.

So, I guess, the dizzy sissy is therapy for some, and for different reasons. Maybe there are some males of color who'd like to project themselves onto such a character, since in real life cannot.

Also, unlike most other characters that go by the 'sissy' name, the dizzy sissy is clean.

Infact, it annoys me how most things associated with the term sissy has to be dirty, and it annoys me when I see women, females, hi-jacking yet another term meant for males. The term sissy applies to a soft male, not a slutty x rated female. 

Anyways, the dizzy sissy will never get their due, society, even now, is still not ready for such a character...unless white that is.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Dillan Mulvaney, so what...



Dillan Who?
I mean come on, the dizzy sissy, and others, have been around way long before they hit the scene. And like many of us, I doubt they're truly 'gay' or even sexual at all. I think, know, that as you age, and if remain single, you often do things not for others, but for self, in that we often do things that 'turn self on', regardless of what others may think about us.
Dillan is white, light, pretty (with make-up on) and perky, the perfect transgender poster child...good for them. In other words they're commercially friendly.

Sissies, transgenders, drag queens, crossdressers, gay/lesbian, ect, it can all get a bit confusing, right.
But know this, live while alive, cause that's really all that matters to 'you' in the end.
Follow your path and live while alive.
Go on with your bad self Dillan, but never forget, the fun loving, satirical dizzy sissy, and others, were here long before you were.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

If single, if one is a single adult, can watching adult consensual 'porn' extend your life? before you judge.


First off, read all of this post before you judge.

I've heard, we all have, how people who are lonely live shorter lives, die sooner than those who are or feel loved and or who are in loving such, if one is single, is watching consensual adult films, bad or good for your health?

1. Fact, not every single adult male or female is paired, or has a wife/husband and or partner

So what are such types suppose to do?

Let's face it, not everyone is attractive enough to attract either the opposite gender to them, or even the same gender to them, depending on orientation, so what are single adults supposed to do for affection?

I don't give a F what Pasters say, or Conservatives say, everyone needs to feel loved, needed and valued, and sorry, but the church doesn't always provide that for people.

Going to church as a single person can be one of the most lonliest things you'll ever do. You sit alone around families, or groups of people who know each other, which makes you feel even more lonely.

All that aside, everyone needs to feel like they're love and or in a relationship for health reasons, not just physical reasons, but for health reasons and longevity.

So, let me ask you this, if single, and starving for affection that no other human being will give you, and if watching adult consensual 'P' makes you feel, or fools body into thinking you're getting that affection you lack, is that a bad or good thing?

If it's bad, why?

And if you think it's bad, are you willing to pair every single, single person up with a mate? If not, than what's your solution? Should single people whom cannot attract another, just die early do to lack of affection to satisfy your own sense of morality?

Yes, no?

Please do respond.

Why does google so have to over complicate everything??

How come everything google buys, touches, becomes so complicated? Blogger, before google, was so simple to use...just write, share and post....